Battleground Season 1
9 Episodes
Season 1 of Battleground - Featuring historic films from WWII, the Korean War, the Vietnam War and more.
19:14Episode 1
Battleground: Famous Generals Arnold
Episode 1
Highlights the career of Gen Henry "Hap" Arnold during World War II, which is also the story of the growth of the Air Force.
26:24Episode 2
General MacArthur
Episode 2
Highlights the career of Gen Douglas MacArthur during World War II, his time at West Point, his retirement, and the events leading to the Korean War.
26:04Episode 3
General Dwight D Eisenhower
Episode 3
Highlights the career of Dwight D Eisenhower during World War I and WWII, the victories in North Africa and the liberation of France.
28:34Episode 4
General Omar Nelson Bradley
Episode 4
Highlights the career of General Omar Nelson Bradley during WWII, the invasion on Normandy and the Battle of the Bulge.
28:31Episode 5
General John J Pershing
Episode 5
Highlights the career of Gen John Joseph Pershing, the Indian Wars, the beginning of World War 1, and the liberation of France against the German army.
26:19Episode 6
General Joseph W Stilwell
Episode 6
Highlights the career of Gen Joseph W Stilwell and the efforts to retake China from Japanese forces.
24:47Episode 7
General George S Patton
Episode 7
Highlights the career of Gen George S Patton and his victories in WWII across North Africa, Italy, and France
Battleground Patriotism Have It Your Way
Episode 8
The voices of Woodrow Wilson, Franklin Roosevelt, Harry Truman and John Kennedy express reasons why American Service members fought and died for their country through the years.
21:30Episode 9
General George C Marshall
Episode 9
Highlights the career of Gen George C Marshall leading his army through Germany, France, and Italy, negotiating peace in China as a diplomat, and his promotion to President Truman's Chief of Staff.