Never Forget: A Date Which Will Live in Infamy
Musa Travel
Traveling with weapons? Check out this helpful guide on how to safely travel with your weapons.
Night Fire
Kawa (2alpha2quit) and Mike (Knockout Lights) are on a night mission to take out the enemy. Check out this intense video on the utilization of night vision!
Musa Minute: Ferro Concepts
Slings to plate carriers. Kawa reviews products from Ferro Concepts.
Musa Minute: Surefire Pistol Lights
Kawa introduces Surefire, and their innovative weapon lights.
Musa Minute: Slide Lock Reload
Kawa shows tips on how to reload quick during a hot situation! Also known as the emergency reload.
Musa Minute: Percentage Drill
Need some tips on improving your skills? Kawa explains the percentage drill.
Musa Minute: Recoil Anticipation
Kawa gives some tips on recoil anticipation.
Musa Minute: Glock 19X
Kawa reviews Glock's newest pistol. The 19X!
Musa Minute: Coyote Tactical Solutions
Kawa reviews Coyote Tactucal Solutions. Quality and innovative products trusted by the special operations community.
Musa Minute: DFDNR Armor
Kawa reviews the DFNDR plate carrier and ballistic plates.
Musa Minute: Surefire Masterfire Holster
Kawa reviews one of Surefire's newest products, the Masterfire holster.
Musa Minute: Lowlight
Kawa gives tips on utilizing your lights in lowlight scenarios.
Musa Minute: Premiere Body Armor
In today's world, you can never have enough protection. Check out Kawa's review on Premiere Body Armor products.
Musa Minute: Altama Shoewear
Kawa reviews Altama's new line of shoes, the Maritime Assault.
Musa Minute: IC13 Inverted Bandoleer
The perfect kit for minimalists. Kawa discusses about the benefits of the IC13 Inverted Bandoleer.
Musa Minute: Handheld Lights
Mike (aka Knockout Lights), drops in to give tips on different methods of utilizing handheld lights.
Weekly SITREP Episode 138
James is back... in SPACE! Check out this week's SITREP as James brings you reports on: Spanish mishaps, Space Force news, cheating LTs, and more! Knife hand!
Weekly SITREP Episode 118
We're back from SHOT SHOW 2018! Check out some of our coverage and stay tuned for more coverage in the upcoming days! This week, James talks about OPSEC issues with fitness watches, clown penis, the end of Beetle Bailey, US Army WTF Moments, and MORE!
Weekly SITREP Episode 117
On this week's WEEKLY SITREP, James discusses about Russian cooking mishaps, E-tool beheadings, Senator Chelsea?!, US Army WTF Moments, and more!
Weekly SITREP Episode 114
Sorry for the short hiatus, warriors! We were busy planning new, big things for you guys. On this week's Weekly SITREP, James looks into cool new Christmas ornaments, UK Army brawls, VA misconduct, Stolen Valor, US Army WTF Moments, and MORE!